So I have never been very shy about shifting my political opinions as I evolve intellectually. I have juggled them quite a lot as new evidence or better arguments comes to light. I try to think of things deeply, without the fetters of ideology to too tightly constrain my thoughts(though this is not entirely possible all the time, one can certainly be less ideologically influenced if one tries).
The problem, all too often, is that good ideas are quashed by the ideologues. Yes, at times one needs to stick to ones principles. At other times, though, one needs to reevaluate them.
For instance, I once identified as a neo-con. Perhaps I jumped into those shoes too quickly. I was upset with the Left's willingness to abandon the Iraqi people, and supported finishing what we started, even though I was vehemently opposed to the invasion in the first place. I also supported military action for humanitarian purposes. Somehow, I guess, this made me think I was a neocnservative.
I'm frustrated to no end by the Iraq War, however. We are entangled worse than ever before in the quagmire of mid-east politics. We have emboldened and strengthened Iran. We are in a worse position to help Israel. The only bright light is that things are improving, that Saddam Hussein is dead and gone, and that we might be out of there soon, and while I don't consider it a victory, at least we won't have left Iraq in the throes of all-out civil war and genocide.
One unintended consequence of the war has been the way it has hamstrung any efforts the US may have made to intervene in crises of humanitarian nature that are fast approaching or may already have become genocidal. Like Darfur.
For a glimpse as to my meaning, check out
these photographs of the current strife in the Congo. Here is a place that really does need outside help to stabilize. Well, between the disaster of this economy and the Iraq war, the twin failures of nation building and supply side economics, of democracy by force and trickle down economics, we have no ability to effectively intervene. Nor can we even flex the tiniest of muscles when an ally like Georgia is attacked by the Russians.
We have effectively out-sourced our industrial and manufacturing capabilities, and if the auto industry fails then we can kiss this era good-bye. I'm not a fan of bailouts, but come on people! Who will make our tanks? The Chinese? Who will bankroll them? The Chinese? What if we need them to fight the bloody Chinese? I doubt this is in the cards, but who knows?
I think along with the bankrupting of our financial system by greed and foolishness and ego; the off shoring of
our manufacturing base; and the massive growth of the Federal government, defense spending, entitlements, etc. we also have seen a shift away from the American Tradition--that being an amalgamation of individualism, hard work, family, community, honest government, fiscal sanity, and moderation. Remember our grandparents? They were frugal--not perfect by any means--but they understand modesty, and simplicity, and hard work. My grandfather was a carpenter, built his own house, and along with my grandmother raised eight children, all of whom have been absurdly successful both in their marriages and in their careers.
What has happened to this generation? Coaxed along by a Government awash in debt, a capitalism of hyper-wealth, of derivatives and subprimes and a class of investment bankers who produce no goods or services, nothing tangible, but only profit endlessly through a series of magic tricks, the best and last being that magical house of cards we see crashing down around us now...
Can we be blamed for our high credit card debt? Our shallowness? Our apathy or materialism? These are the values that have been laid at our feet. Even our most prominent ministers, those heretical televangelists, have given up the old message of simplicity, of casting off our worldly possessions--the whole "first shall be last, and the last shall be first" has become an antiquated notion, I suppose.
And thus we find ourselves, a country
wobbling. We are uncertain of our values. Our families have become disjointed, fractured--our divorce rate is higher than ever before--yet we focus on the subject of gay marriage, plucking that tiny speck of dust we see in our neighbors eye out before we see to the log in our own.
So I no longer consider myself a neoconservative. I started this blog because I think in the end, I am an independent--conservative to a point, and liberal to a point, and always searching for more knowledge, more truth, more reason and compassion and grace. There is not a sure answer anywhere. As
Freddie said yesterday "I have a deep aversion to those who believe in one truth or one mechanism to advance human kind."
Indeed. And that's a good thing.