Peter Schiff had it right. Everybody else? Dead wrong. Now, possibly due to my own poverty, possibly due to my disbelief at the rising home prices to such astronomical levels, I saw the bubble bursting. No, I didn't see the sub-prime mess coming. I'm not that savvy. But yes, I saw this whole thing falling out from under us. I wasn't wise. I didn't save every penny. So it just watch these Peter Schiff vids....awesome...
They laugh and scoff and shake their heads in disbelief. Ben Stein, who I think is very smart--lots of these commentators are very smart--gets it so wrong it's almost laughable. Schiff's predictions are uncannily on the money...
"My actual fantasy for like the rise of super intelligence is that when you
do train it on all human knowledge, it is essentially incapable of having
anything other than per progressive values."
"Like if you actually make the smartest thing in the world, it, it winds up
sort of being infused with like kindness and empathy and respect for all
2 hours ago
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