Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So who is supporting who?

Bob from Brockley has a pretty good rundown. Yours truly is on the list, so that accounts for something...

One link will take you to writer Oliver Kamm's endorsement of Obama. Or, rather, his un-endorsement of McCain/Palin.
Western liberals, secularists and Atlanticists have an interest in minimising the possibility that there will ever be a Presidency of the ignorant and insular Sarah Palin.


bob said...

"Un-endorsement": good word. I guess I don't whole-heartedly endorse Obama/Biden, but I enthusiastically un-endorse McCain/Palin. (Or McPalin, as they seem to say these days.)

E.D. Kain said...

Likewise. Obama has made me feel much more comfortable with him than before whereas the McPalin ticket has grown increasingly worrisome. So it's not like there are any winners in my book, per say, only the lesser of two mediocre choices...